Update On The  First DLC Release

For those that have been looking to find answers to this absence of DLC, look no further. Ken Levine, creator of BioShock Infinite offered this update via Twitter:

Game development does take time, that is correct, but how much time does a successful company need? If what Mr. Levine said is true, they have been working on the first DLC since March! It is exactly 3 months since the game was released and nothing to show of the DLC, not even a preview. If you do remember, BioShock Infinite was pushed back a couple of months leading up the the release of the game.

What About Season Pass Holders

Season Pass buyers were promised three DLCs for BioShock Infinite and although the first DLC has no release date yet, there have been rumors about a possible Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 release of the “Columbia’s Finest” pack that is currently released on Steam. This pack includes everything from the “Industrial Revolution” pack and the “Upgrade Pack” that was originally released with the SongBird version of BioShock Infinite. 

Let Us Know What You Think!

Are you still excited for the DLC or has the long wait extinguished the flame that kept you playing through BioShock Infinite? Let us know in the comments!