Kishan, who is the MP from Gorakhpur Sadar and a film entertainer, has documented a protest at Gorakhpur Cantonment police headquarters against a manufacturer for tricking him of Rs 3.25 crore.

The police have said that a protest has been enlisted and proper move will be initiated after the examination. The case has been documented under Segment 406 of the Indian Punitive Code.

The entertainer cum-lawmaker was supposedly tricked by a Mumbai-based financial specialist, said the entertainer’s advertising official.

The MP had given the sum to blamed Jain Jitendra Ramesh in 2012. Notwithstanding, when Kishan requested his cash back, the manufacturer gave him 12 checks of Rs 34 lakh every, some of which later bobbed.

In the wake of neglecting to persuade Ramesh to give back, Kishan started the grumbling and documented it with the police.