NCSoft has added new servers to both NA and EU to relieve some of the stress on the game’s already-established servers. If you’ve been trying to log in, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
But new servers aren’t all that’s been added to the game: servers have also had their maximum player capacities raised. Mushin (NA) and Windrest (EU) players rejoice! You’ll have a little bit of an easier time getting in.
Since launch, a good portion of the population condensed onto Mushin and Windrest has dispersed to other servers in hopes of shorter queues. No longer are free player queues several hours – now they’re down to a maximum of a couple of hours. That’s improvement!
So which servers have been added?
If you want a slightly less wait-intensive time with the game or just want to give it a shot before sitting in queue, one of the many other servers may be your best bet.
The new North American servers are Gunma, Dochun, Junghado, and Yunwa.
The new European servers are Angler’s Watch and Greenhollow.
No matter your region, these servers likely will be less stressful to get into both now and into next week. The game (and budding playerbase) certainly needed them.