To get things started, purchasers of the Virtual Ticket can already watch several premiere episodes of the original Blizzcon video series. Some episodes are available for free, but to have access to all of them, you’ll need that Virtual Ticket (which is also included in a regular BlizzCon ticket purchase). In addition, ticket holders can have a voice in how some shows are put together by voting in BlizzCon Build-a-Panel polls. 

This year, Blizzard has added a third way for fans to partake of all the content as well. In addition to logging into or watching via the BlizzCon mobile app, fans can also watch directly via the desktop app.

And, as always, there are the goodies – digital and otherwise. Starting today, Virtual Ticket owners will receive the first of their special in-game items: a legendary skin for Sombra in Overwatch that gives her a Diablo III Demon Hunter feel. Virtual Ticket holders also get a special $10 discount when purchasing the 2018 Goody Bag – seen here. 

If you’re unable to make BlizzCon in California and want to get in on the action, this really is a great way to go. It’s honestly how I do BlizzCon most of the time.