Yes, it’s vague, but it’s more than we knew before. Of course, fans attending Blizzcon or those who purchased the Virtual Ticket can play WoW Classic now, for a limited time. And, if you missed the previous announcements, Blizzard reiterated that Classic is included in standard WoW subscriptions.

This news was part of the World of Warcraft portion of BlizzCon’s openening ceremony, which also included news about the next WoW charity drive, as well as a new WoW: Battle For Azeroth cinematic.

This year, the WoW team has decided to raise funds for with the sale of the super cute Whomper pet. is a non-profit that works to open computer science up to underrepresented minorities and women, providing them with valuable education and skills they might otherwise not have access to.

If you’d like to help support, or just really like Whomper, he’s available for purchase on the Blizzard shop until December 31.

Finally, Blizzard dropped a special Battle For Azeroth cinematic titled “Lost Honor.” This video offers some insight into the relationship between Varok Saurfang and King Anduin Wrynn, and the choices before them.